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Page history last edited by Sarah Zhang 14 years, 6 months ago



When certain chemicals react, they produce a mysterious glow without emitting heat. This phenomenon - which involves Bohr’s theory of electrons - is categorized under a branch of luminescence called chemiluminescence. From the beginning of time, philosophers and scientists like Aristotle have noticed their unique glow. Today, we have discovered the true chemical components that make chemiluminescence possible. It also has eye-opening real-life applications that have aided the medical & forensic world and challenged the scientific community. A plethora of possibilities with this versatile property of chemistry is just waiting to be explored.


In this Chemistry WIKI, you’ll be able to see how chemiluminescence works and examine the chemistry behind it all! Also, you’ll find a detailed history of chemiluminescence stretching from 1500 BC, a summary of different forms of luminescence, and a fun and functional list of its applications. Feel free to explore, discover, and learn.


Chemistry WIKI  by Ken Canlas, Michael Chen, Yefan Chen, and Sarah Zhang

Copyright 2010 ©




Comments (8)

Ken Canlas said

at 2:53 pm on Mar 6, 2010


Ken Canlas said

at 3:56 pm on Feb 21, 2010

ok wen i use internet explorer to view this page, i cant see the header. at the bottom it says that its downloading the wikiheader1.gif image which is the header your suppose to see. so i think you have to wait a while till u see it....

Ken Canlas said

at 3:54 pm on Feb 21, 2010

im using mozilla firefox as my internet browser...dunno if u guys can see it or not?

Ken Canlas said

at 3:52 pm on Feb 21, 2010

can anyone see the header?

Ken Canlas said

at 2:31 am on Feb 21, 2010

should i raise the title a bit more higher?

Ken Canlas said

at 2:27 am on Feb 21, 2010


Sarah Zhang said

at 7:33 pm on Feb 20, 2010

Yea we will, I'll make them. So the banner will go on top right? And this one SHOULD be the bg for the info pages. There's a different design for the abstract/vid page isn't it? Why are the textboxes so messed up looking? And WHHY is the scroll bar there? O___O

Ken Canlas said

at 2:02 am on Feb 20, 2010

Sarah, you think we need a different header for each page? Ie: for the glow sticks page we put a header saying "Glow Sticks"

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